Rather than me getting tied into a continuous update situation as the weather constantly changes - I think i'll post with a broader sense of things. The tides on the wexford coast and indeed most coastlines are very suitable for bass fishing in general over the next seven days. Here in Wexford high tides are early in the next few mornings over the 'change of light period'. This to me is one of the singular most important factors as fish have moved closer to shore under the cover of darkness with a spring tide. Accompanying this is low cloud cover, southerly winds, and mild temperatures.
Having been on the forlorn point at Kilmore quay today water clarity whilst down does not have that brown colour that immediately spells trouble. There are suspended particles but little weed and I feel in the next 24 hours it will 'fine down' even more.
What really has me going is the fact we have two days 'trapped' (thursday and friday in particular) between weather systems. It looks like a break down and a low pressure system is approaching on late friday night. The period over the next 72 hrs is one when fish will often feed frantically, just before the low pressure arrives. If the system arrives and moves through quickly fishing will improve dramatically on Sunday evening or Monday morning. It may be fresher though with Northerly cooler winds.
Some fish are on the surface but are more likely to be caught in the mid tables in the next 24 hrs (wed),they should be more active on the surface on thursday and friday.
keep casting