Landing Gear
Lures – Zara super spook
Colour – White and white and red
Rods - Smith Bayliners
Reels - Shimano twin powersLine - Powerpro - 8 kgs
Tippett - Rio flouroflex - 8 kgs
Temperature - 16 degrees
Wind - South/South west 4- 5
Cloud – A little cloud cover long sunny spells
Water - cloudy to 20 metres then less so -
Tide - Full at 07:35
Friday Morning
We repeated much of what we had done and used on the previous two sessions this morning. The brighter conditions of yesterday afternoon was a pleasant change and Andrew had a fine fish at around 16:00 hrs on the surface (amongst others). Today I was accutely aware of the strongish east south easterly breeze which later turned easterly at around 09:30. Andrew had a fish of about 1.5kgs and then another of 2.4kgs on the surface - that was it for the morning. The approaching system obviously has them in a different feeding pattern a little earlier than i anticipated.
This is the last session of Andrew and Philips visit.