Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) was established on 1st July 2010 in accordance with the Inland Fisheries Act 2010 in place of the Central and 7 Regional Fisheries Boards. The 2010 Act sets out the authorities statutory obligations in relation to the protection, conservation, management, marketing, development and improvement of the inland fisheries resource in Ireland.
The legislation provides that the new authority must develop a 5 year rolling Corporate Plan for the new organisation within the first six months of its establishment. That Corporate Plan will define what the organisation will achieve in the next 5 years, how the objectives are to be achieved and how they are to be measured. In order to develop a Corporate Plan that is informed, realistic and compliant, IFI is now inviting submissions to the Public Consultation process from any individual, group or, associations who wish to actively contribute. The purpose of the consultation is to provide interested parties in the general public with an opportunity to comment on the future plan for IFI and to provide their views on the role and priorities for the organisation.
Development of the IFI Corporate Plan (2.82 MB)
Submissions can be sent to Inland Fisheries Ireland by post or by email, to reach the organisation by no later than Friday 20th August 2010. The most efficient method of making submissions to IFI is by way of email to
Alternatively, responses can be posted to the following address:
Mary O’Reilly
Inland Fisheries Ireland
Swords Business Campus
Balheary Road
Co. Dublin.
Please include your name and contact details along with your submission. If you are putting forward a submission on behalf of an organisation please include contact details for the organisation.