Species without Borders: Science, Politics, Economics and Human Factors
University College Dublin - UCD Science Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 17:30
Dr Malcolm Winsor
Buckland Professor 2014
Former Secretary General of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (
Are you interested in how we manage our fisheries and wildlife resources at an international level? Do you think the bodies involved do their job well? Are they effective? If not, why not? How can they be improved? Come along and debate these important issues with Malcolm Windsor, Frank Convery, Ken Whelan and a well-known panel of experts in UCD on the 29th October, at 1730.
17.30 pm Registration
17.40 pm Introducton
Professor Ken Whelan will provide some background to the Buckland Foundation and the Buckland Professorships. He will also outline some of NASCO’s recent work on researching why such a significant proportion of Atlantic salmon are dying at sea. His brief talk will include clips from a soon to be launched film: Atlantic Salmon Lost at Sea.
18.00 pm Buckland Foundation Lecture
"Species without Borders: Science, Politics, Economics and Human Factors" by Malcolm Windsor former Secretary of NASCO
18.45 pm Panel-led Discussion
The Buckland Lecture will be followed by a panel led discussion on the role and function of international wildlife conservation and management bodies – do they work? ….are they effective? …. if not why not? …how can they be improved? Professor Frank Convery, UCD Earth Institute and Chief Economist with the Environmental Defense Fund in New York, will chair both the Buckland Lecture and this important debate.
Panel members to be announced shortly.
For further information and to register for this free event please visit: ... 2951876411