‘And then the one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun’
Pink Floyd – Time
Ten guided ‘fishing years’ have got behind me already, and sitting here writing this its hard to believe. I’ve seen, experienced, witnessed and learned a lot in those guiding years, most of it probably has very little to do with fish.
The experiences have no doubt, whether good or bad, changed my life and the way I see and interpret many things including people. I’m glad to say that the good times far outweigh the bad, and as I look back at any year from the past ten, whether good or bad from a fishing perspective, there are countless
significant moments of many many types.
Today I continue to surround my fishing life with people whom I want to fish with and indeed who like to fish with me. I work as hard as ever to improve and change the service and to demonstrate what this country has to offer, and I continue to learn of new fishing locations, techniques and methods. I am challenged constantly by fly fishing in the sea.
This personal investment grows greater within me every time I go to the sea. I spend very little time thinking about tackle to any great extent - I have what I need, a rod a line a hook and bait, the correct clothing and accessories. I do however, spend a lot of time thinking about fishing and fish and tactics and influences and experiences. This has always been the way for me.
As each season now becomes more important, the things that make that season worthwhile, for both you and I, have a lot to do with the anticipation of the events, the times, the experiences that make us feel good. There is no doubt I have learned of many fishing irrelevancies and have become less and less inclined to spend time on any of them. The experience is where its at.
That enthusiasm to make the next session or season or experience better than the last suffered through 2012, badly. What lies ahead who knows. But I do know this, with the right people around you anything is possible! 2012 proved this to me again.
I intend to continue to have the right people around me – whether as a customer, a friend or a collaborator.
I look forward to kick starting a fledgling saltwater fly fishing group later this month, appearing at Hooked live in February, running the new boat, continuing on the BSc degree and adding to the Fly Shop, and more too - busy busy!
I just heard the starting gun for 2013, season 11 starts…keep casting and stay safe! - Jim