Friday 30 May 2014

Orvis news–Irish bass fishing

Orvis News this week

A nice photo essay on the Orvis  US Website 

by Paul Moinester – click the top photo to link

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Outside my door,

Bass fishing in Wexford

A new set of flies from Brian, a new moon, nice breezes, clear water, two friends and two days off from the office. Leaders all re-tied, knots checked rods loaded…a mind full of intent, excitement and the anticipation of being out there.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Issue 48

This is Fly Magazine

Read engaging stories from Dave Karczynski, Brian Irwin, Shauna Sherard of Trout Unlimited, Cameron McDonald, Will Rice, Dr. Aaron Adam, and Hilary Hutcheson.  Enjoy the stunning photography offerings from Dave Karczynski, Adrienne Comeau, Cameron McDonald, Nick Shirghio, and Freddy Terranova. This is Fly continues to embraces diversity with a collection of stories that will take readers around the world chasing steelhead, bonefish, permit, and of course trout!

"Among narrow springs creeks made narrower by imperialist shelf ice, fish for days on snowshoes in biting wind. Catch nothing. Suffer much. Wander through patch of thorny briars and perforate waders, which you fix by no longer walking in the water. Day in, day out, suffer. Then, on fourth day, behold wind die down. Behold snouts of trout, first snouts of season, breaking film for midges—midges sluicing down through high caverns of snow. Catch first fish in 3.5 months. Then second, third. Then fiftieth, fifty-second, fifty-third. Have best midge fishing of life, here, in Arctic Wasteland Without End. On 7x and size 22 hooks and fingers fat as sausage. Take one picture of glory before conceding moment unphotographable. Moment was not the moment because of the moment. Moment was the moment because of the two days, the three weeks, the four months of suffering leading up to it. Share quiet, private triumph."



The twenty three participants on WIT’s BSc in Small Enterprise Management run in conjunction with Fáilte Ireland, attended the final workshop of the course and a reception to mark the occasion earlier in April.

I an very happy to have been on this programme.

This innovative programme was the first degree level course in Ireland to focus on the professional development needs of owner/managers of small tourism and hospitality enterprises. The twenty three participants represent enterprises across a number of tourism sectors including accommodation, restaurant, angling, water-based activities, conference, and education tourism and hail from nine counties including Kerry, Waterford, Dublin, Wexford, Kilkenny, Cork, Donegal, Mayo and Clare.

The degree programme emerged from years of collaboration between Fáilte Ireland and the School of Business, including the Fáilte Ireland Tourism Learning Networks (TLN) initiative, which the School managed in the south.

According to Dr Anthony Foley, Course Bass fishing wexfordLeader, “The participants are local tourism champions and have, through the programme, developed their professional and business management skills. A key outcome of the programme has been the development of distinct network development templates. The programme is also seen as a flagship programme for its pedagogical design, based on a Problem-based Learning (PBL) model, and its blended delivery.”

The Fáilte Ireland BSc in Small Enterprise Management has made international waves and just this month a chapter on the degree published by Emerald has been selected as an Outstanding Author Contribution in the 2014 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. The chapter has been widely disseminated through journal articles, book chapter and national and international academic conferences, totalling eleven peer reviewed papers.

In attendance at the event were Dr Tony Lenehan, Head of Industry Services; Mr Colm Breheny, Client Services Manager; Mr Peter Stocksborough, Client Services Manager; all from Fáilte Ireland as well as staff from the School of Business including Dr Anthony Foley, Course Leader; Dr Thomas O’Toole, Head of the School of Business; Dr Denis Harrington, Head of Graduate Business; and Ms. Joan McDonald; Head of Department of Management and Organisation along with WIT lecturers on the programme and staff connected to the Fáilte Ireland TLN initiative.

The degree is based in the Department of Graduate Business and is part of the School of Business’s engagement and knowledge strategy.  This has a linked theme into the launch of the Higher Diploma in Business in Service Design and Innovation, and also through the GIFT Interreg project on green innovation (co-managed by the School of Business) and many of the class participants are members. There has also been the parallel growth of an excellent tourism industry advisory and development facility at the School of Business, through RIKON.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Moving shortly, some aspects!

Bass fishing in Wexford

PROBASSFISHER will move shortly to This site (probassfisher) will remain in existence as is but all new posts will be completed on THIRTYARDS.

I want to say thank you for your visits here over the past seven years and I hope it has been as pleasant for you as it has been for me. Of course I would like to think you can always visit the fishing on THIRTYARDS in the

COASTAL NOTES section of the site

Content will of course will remain free and whilst it may not be as frequent I hope to have improved postings in relation to Irish coastal fishing for bass and seatrout.

My guiding services will of course remain intact HERE

Regards and Happy Easter– Jim Hendrick

New Website

The beginning AND the end…

Forwarded to - The Irish Bass Policy Group (David McInerny, John Quinlan, Shane O Reilly, Mike Hennessy, Dr William Roche, Dr Nial O'Ma...