Saturday 25 May 2013

The bass angler - Part I

‘……And further still beyond that the gannets wheeled and dived, fishing shallow they were scarcely airborne before plunging again into the shoal of bait. The sea and the tide and the sky and the light spoke to us ofBass fishing on the fly what it meant to be in this place just at this time as fishermen. Like a dream in which you can’t speak I turned to try to communicate something about what I felt, the angler had already known this, and in a way I knew that words would never do it. He smiled, a wide knowing smile the first of the morning.

We were both alive in a place that was alive and it was telling us something that we both felt and recognised. We were connected perhaps in a way that we could never really describe or fully explain.’

Coming to Irish Angler this summer June July and August editions

Thursday 23 May 2013

International angling press in Wexford


FF Titel 34

Erstverkaufstag von Fisch&Fliege-Ausgabe 34: 16. Mai 2013. Dieses Mal dürfen Sie sich auf Streamer im Strom, Intruder Flies für Forellen, Wolfsbarschangeln in Irland, Fischen an klaren Gewässern und vieles mehr freuen. Natürlich gibt’s auch wieder nützliches Gerät, viele interessante Veranstaltungen und drei Gratisbeilagen für Fliegenfischer. Genießen Sie 82 Seiten gute Unterhaltung – mit Fisch & Fliege34!


1-DSC_5271Once again the wonderful coastline of Co.Wexford, my own services and the recreational bass fishing opportunities in Ireland feature in international press this month. Fisch & Fliege #34 carry a 5 page editorial featuring a two page spread that’s bound to capture the imagination of many anglers particularly those interested in taking the fish on the fly.

Thanks guys for a brilliant article.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Thoughts on the close of business - the anticipation!

The many things I think about when I know the fishing for bass is closed, probably too many! The bass guiding business and its operation is limited and I have always accepted those limits, plugged those constraints into the business model so to speak.

I fully realise its difficult times in Ireland at the moment and there’s a tendency to want to rush to improve the economics of the situation. So considering opening the current bass angling restriction on the basis of commercial interest alone is not, in my opinion a good idea.

T1-DSC_6238his week I have had requests for 12 days of guided fishing from International visitors during May and early June. These people were not aware of the closed season and were of course interested in the reasons as to why Ireland had one? All of them considered a closed season during ‘optimal’ spawning time a good thing, we had lots of interesting discussions regarding timings, C+R, extended periods, angling impact.

The limits of the fishery allow it to be what it is. This is what you have to work with. The truth. After ten years of experiences under these challenges you grow to accept the patterns of nature, the highs and lows of the fishing, twiddling your bass thumbs during the closed period, the delight, the excitement, the anticipation, the tough drudgery, the evolving changes, the beginning and the end of the week, the season! A bass fishing guides life.


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Man in extremis

Anne Hendrick - US Amundsen-Scott Station

Courtesy of the artist and the Irish State Art Collection

Anne’s work will be on show this summer in Madrid, Warsaw, Rome and Dublin!

How’s that for posh?

Source: Sunday Independent May 12t

New Website

The beginning AND the end…

Forwarded to - The Irish Bass Policy Group (David McInerny, John Quinlan, Shane O Reilly, Mike Hennessy, Dr William Roche, Dr Nial O'Ma...