Sunday 30 September 2012

Into the wild

I promise to spend as much of my time outdoors as I do lookin1-DSC_6530g at screens, and, by my advice and example, encourage others to do the same.


Project Wild Thing

Thursday 27 September 2012

A surprise visit from Italy

Flyfishin in the heart of the Dolomites

I’m looking forward to meeting Angelo next week as he’s paying a surprise visit to Wexford for a few days.

We did have something lined up some time back (here), unfortunately due to a few unexpected events we didn’t complete the opportunity.

I am hoping that Angelo’s visit this week will lay the foundation for the saltwater fly project we had originally planned during the spring of 2009

Angelo has been a Flyfisher since 1986 and in his own words - I live and work in Cortina d'Ampezzo. My strong passion for fly fishing has given me a good experience the northern Venetian region, austrian and slovenian rivers. I am the director of Reelvideo, the only Italian fly fishing magazine made on DVD.
I am also a Ross Reels Pro Staff, and Alpiflyfishing/Winston Pro Staff.
I fish with dry fly, nymph and streamer, choosing the best technique for every different situation.

Looking forward to finally meeting and the chance of working with Angelo.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Angling in Denmark

The Angler’s Seven Commandments In Denmark.

Onshore angling is a “basic civil right” – as long as you have the statutory fishing licence. (see add on page 15). It is still important for anglers to follow a few simple regulations and pieces of good advice.

1. Take care of the countryside. Do not walk on cropimages and stick to lanes and paths. Don’t leave any litter behind – and be considerate towards all other people using beaches.

2. The beach belongs to everybody. No one – not even clubs or large companies – can therefore expect to have the beach to themselves. No part of the beach may be cordoned off.

3. Limit the number of rods you use. Spreading out rods over large expanses of beach stops other people from angling.

4. Park with care. Use parking areas as far as possible from the fishing. Avoid blocking narrow roads used by local traffic and agricultural machinery. Only use public rights of way.

5. Always use authorised ramps when launching boats. This makes for easy launching and less wear and tear on the coastline.

6. All overnight stays must take place in accommodation or on campsites. Using tents, caravans or mobile homes for overnight stays is forbidden on or near beaches, or in parking areas.

7. Keep a reasonable distance from other anglers.

Monday 24 September 2012

See the world in green and blue


You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day

U2 Beautiful day

Saturday 22 September 2012

the meaning of things

..the waves of the sea–beautiful, mysterious and insistent–drew me more and more to the path on the cliff whence I could watch them curl and break, and listen to their splash upon the sandy shore. I stood there on the afternoon of a calm day in early autumn at the time of low water of a spring tide. The little waves, gliding slowly in over the flat sands, bent round the ends of a shoal, as waves of light are refracted, and, meeting, passed through each other, each to continue its own course.

Vaughan Cornish


Monday 17 September 2012

Smith & ‘Basson’

In Dan's own words

Sixth cast with a Z Claw ( skeletor) Medium size and she hit me very soft 20ft away, I'd absolutely no right to catch this bass as there was only 1 foot of clarity, she gave me a super fight and when I eventually landed her she was only barely hooked ( one hook on the outside). 9 lbs. 8 oz. , my best so far this year. Happy days!


Lighting up time



They keep getting bigger for Aubrey, almost on a session by session basis! Whilst to some they may appear to be ‘average’ bass, the sheer delight that Aubrey expresses when he catches one reminds me of what its really all about.

The simplicity of the man and the totally enthusiastic and dedicated way he’s gone about his fishing makes every fish special. He’s caught them on the top, on soft plastics on hard plastics – ask him to name any of the technology and he cant, (them jiggers) ask him for the story of the first surface caught fish and that smile will broaden with memories, a moment by moment tale will follow.

The fish have returned somewhat to the Wexford coast but still it proves difficult over time and the hours invested. Its the best fishing I’ve had in over ten weeks with customers and I’m glad to get at least some fish for them at last.

I’m in good company and no doubt I will be reminded of what’s really important before the day is out.

Saturday 15 September 2012

What happened to the fisherman’s dream?

Tell me, did it fade away?
Did it fade on down to the ocean
Did it fade away
Did it fade on down to the sea
The ocean and the sea.

John Martyn – A fisherman's dream


Monday 10 September 2012

TFO–TiCRX – now available at the coastal fly shop

Model Line Length Pieces Weight (OZ) Description Price

TFO 06 90 4 TX

6 Wt.




IM6 Graphite


TFO 07 90 4 TX

7 Wt.




IM6 Graphite


TFO 08 90 4 TX

8 Wt.




IM6 Graphite


TFO 09 90 4 TX

9 Wt.




IM6 Graphite


Temple Fork TiCr X rods are handsomely finished in a rich blue blank colour, flor grade cork and an aluminium reel seat with a cushioned reel hood. Oversized titanium oxide first stripping guides start with a #20 on the 6,7, and 8 and all rods have alignment dots.

Available from later today at


The evolution of the Lefty Kreh TiCr X Series has been fascinating. Imagine Lefty Kreh taking a prototype and saying "this is a nice rod but..." Then imagine new mandrels and as many as 6 prototypes later having him say, "PERFECT!"

Lefty designed the TiCr X Series to be a powerful angling tool. Rod weights 5-8 are designed to present flies at distant targets. Rod weights 9-12 have the power to launch larger flies and to lift an angry fish out of the depths. The reserve power in the TiCr X Series give these rods the ability to carry a lot of line in the air and can easily be over lined for close-in work. The X rod's blue finish spring to life in a little sunlight while the flor grade cork, oversized titanium oxide stripping guides, and up locking reel seat with cushioned hoods top off this ultimate package of form and function.

lifetime no fault guarantee


Sunday 9 September 2012

Wexford stages a little, late, come back, somewhat!




Holger and Holger are returning home at the end of an interesting and challenging week. They had successes on both saltwater fly and lure in what remains a very unpredictable bass angling environment. Working extremely hard and never giving up, persisting and patient they got the results they deserved – a bonus for Irish angling tourism after a tough tough season.

As the high pressure extended onwards towards the end of the week and the systems stabilised more and more, the guys got into the pattern of the fishing their chances increased on a day by day basis even as the tides ran down the spring cycle.

At times its the toughest and the greatest job in the world, would I rather do anything else anywhere else?

I suspect we’re not over yet as more HP is on the way, perhaps an Indian summer.

Friday 7 September 2012

Autumn bass fly fishing


Markus Mueller – IFI – fly casts for bass

Oh, it's a long, long while from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game.

Source - September Song


Wednesday 5 September 2012

September summer Wexford

Landing Gear

Rods – Guideline LPX 9’-0” #8 , Redington CPX 9’-0” #8

Reels – Danielsson LW 6-9 – Okuma Airframe 7/8

Lines – Guideline Coastal Intermediates

Leader – Airflo 10’-0” saltwater poly leaders – Rio fluoroflex +

Flies – Grey and chartreuse blended hollow fleye

Tuesday 4 September 2012

The weather of summer 2012

Summer 2012; Cool, wet and dull nearly everywhere.

Mean air temperatures for the season were below average with stations in the South and Southeast reporting the largest differences of up to nearly -1°C. June and July reported below average mean temperatures while August had above average temperatures nearly everywhere. Mean temperatures recorded in most areas during July were at least -1.5°C below their average values with Malin Head reflecting this, recording its lowest July mean temperature1-DSC_4823 since 1972 (40 years). Mean temperatures for the season ranged from 13.0°C at Knock Airport to 14.9°C at Shannon Airport. Most highest maximum temperatures were recorded during the second week of August with Shannon Airport recording the season’s highest maximum temperature of 26.5°C on the 10th. Almost all lowest minimum temperatures were recorded in mid-June, with the season’s lowest temperature of 2.4°C recorded at Markree on June 10th. The lowest minimum temperature of 4.0°C at Malin Head on June 4th was the lowest minimum at the site since the summer of 1991 (21 years), while in contrast, most remaining stations across the country reported their lowest minimums were the highest recorded in five to 15 years.

Rainfall totals were above average everywhere with the highest summer percentage values measured in the South. Long-term average (LTA) values ranged from 121% at Belmullet to 224% at Fermoy (Moorepark). Mullingar and Cork Airport reported their wettest summers on record since 1944 (68 years) and 1962 (50
years). Claremorris and Knock Airport also reported wet summers, with their highest rainfall since 1985 (27 years) and 1996 (16 years), respectively. Almost all places recorded above average rainfall during the three months of the season with the exception of some areas in the East and along northern and western coasts in
August. The highest rainfall relative to average was recorded in June, where LTAs ranged up to nearly three times above normal in parts of the South and East. Stations recorded their highest daily rainfall mostly during June and in heavy showers during mid-August. The highest daily rainfall of the season was at Malin
Head, where 50.9 mm was recorded on the 22nd June, its highest summer daily fall since 1955 (57 years). There was an above normal number of wetdays (days with 1 mm or more) recorded this summer (between 44 and 65) with the highest amounts recorded in the West and South.Sunshine totals for summer were below average nearly everywhere except in western coastal areas. Overall,
June and July were relatively dull with August also reporting dull conditions in parts of the South, East and

Source Met Eireann

Monday 3 September 2012


I’m just waiting for Holger, Holger II and Markus to arrive, hopefully in the next few moments – we are working on a small project this week to try and put something together for the publishing house of Rute & Rolle and Fisch & Fliege – bass fishing on the fly in Wexford.

We all know at this stage its going to be very difficult, but working with people like Holger ( both I and II !) and Markus means that whilst I’m cognisant of the ‘pressure’, I know they have the maturity and vast experience to realise what fishing is really about. They are completely aware of the difficult situation regarding bass fishing from the shore at this time in Wexford.

1-DSC_5066I have been very lucky in choosing the angling journalists and photographers whom I have worked with down through the years. Journalists whom I know have come here, done a great job, written about the fishing, my guiding services and the Wexford environment in a fair and balanced manner and then moved to their next project in another part of the world. There has never been any expectation on their behalf.

Their articles which appear in many different magazines from different countries are referred to again and again by customers – Voyages de Peches, Peches en Mer, Fliegenfischen, De Roofvis, the Irish Times, many others too. Editorial is beyond doubt a customer winning strategy provided the same ‘microscope’ is not pointed by the same person at the same sample again and again.

Lucky? Maybe. But I do know this, the people whom have written about Wexford’s bass fishing through the services of SEAi are genuine people and have solid best sustainable angling, local attractions, services and interests at heart.

I guess that’s a lot of the reason for my choices.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Academic writings and scientific data – A bass library

I have included on the bottom left hand panel of the site some informational journal extracts and publications in relation to bass, these are available as downloads. I have more which I will add over time some less technical others more so.

I am not a scientist nor a fisheries biologist so most of the time find the interpretation of the reports to be difficult and a lot of the time beyond me! I do hope that you can have a look at and read some of the more interesting reports / extracts and I also hope that they might help to understand some of the finer points of the fish in Irish and UK waters - areas like maturity, effects of temperature, year classes, influences, growth rates, populations, movements, commercial data, forage and many other determining factors.

1-DSC_5115I will also be including data that is available from the US striped bass fishery.

If you are aware of any other documents that are currently publicly available and that you might consider helpful and you would like for them to be included in this library collection then please don’t hesitate to contact me at

These documents can be downloaded directly from this site on the left hand panel or from Scribd – just click HERE to link to the library.

Jim Hendrick

New Website

The beginning AND the end…

Forwarded to - The Irish Bass Policy Group (David McInerny, John Quinlan, Shane O Reilly, Mike Hennessy, Dr William Roche, Dr Nial O'Ma...