Sunday 16 November 2008

Holidays Over

My short holidays are over! So its back to the grindstone. Will update the blogs over the next few days - please keep an eye on the new SEAi winter guiding service Pike Fishing on Fly & Lure.

I'm also already looking forward to next spring when I shall introduce my new service for 2009 - Saltwater Fly & Lure fishing for seatrout - this will be done from my new timber boat which is currently been re-built. Surely there is no stronger fighting fish in our local estuaries than these trout and the service is grounded in two years of research and development.

New Website

The beginning AND the end…

Forwarded to - The Irish Bass Policy Group (David McInerny, John Quinlan, Shane O Reilly, Mike Hennessy, Dr William Roche, Dr Nial O'Ma...