I came across a little book recently - Signpost to the weather by D&K Barlett. First published in 1949, I have extracted their forecasts for each month of the year. I hope you will enjoy their theories over the next few months - savour the September days ahead!
The Month of September according to D&K Barlett - with BASS indications by Jim Hendrick
There can be some fairly good, warm weather during this month, particularly in the east and south of Ireland. Thunderstorms can still be experienced and one unsettled period is probable near the middle of the month The weather in the North and West can be fairly good but intervals of unsettled weather can bring rain and wind at times. The days are shorter, the nights begin to feel cooler, and occasional night frosts occur in the Highlands of Scotland, but generally the summer heat continues to affect the sea and land.
The weeks of September
1st to 7th-A number of warm, sunny days are probable, but there is a danger of occasional thunderstorms. The alternative is very cloudy, changeable conditions.
8th to 15th-This week is usually cloudy at times but a fair spell is probable.
16th to 24th-Generally a few good days of calm, sunny weather, but one very changeable period.
25th to 30th-There is a tendency for the weather to be more unsettled. The first autumn rains occur and there is less risk of thunderstorm
Bass Fishing - My favorite month of the year. Possibilities are almost endless!
Rating 5/5
September Bass Fishing Experiences Here Here Here