The Month of July according to D&K Barlett with BASS indications by Jim Hendrick
This month is unreliable. There is generally a good deal of cloud and rain, mostly of the thundery character. This rain can be heavy but quickly over. It tends to be a less settled or sunny month. These are the worst features of July.
However, a heat wave spell can usually be relied on to come, generally around the middle or the end of the month. The nights are warmest in this month. The difference between day and night temperatures is the least. The sea is now warm enough for bathing.
Heavy thunderstorms at this time of year usually occur during the early part of the afternoon.
The weeks of July
1st to 7th Changeable, thunderstorm weather, with brilliant short spells of Sun
8th to 15th This is a more settled period with warm days gradually setting in, especially in the south.
16th to 23rd A warm spell can occur during this week with some doubtful thundery days too.
24th to 31st Usually there are sunny periods with warm temperatures at first, but gradually becoming more thundery at the end of the week
Bass Fishing: Cloudy dark days and warm nights, hot, humid misty south westerlies and clear white warm water can only lead to one thing- BIG FISH DAYS. Often one of the best months of the year with tides really pushing fish inshore through and towards the middle days of the month - opportunities can exist almost on demand.
Rating - 4/5
July Bass Fishing Experiences Here Here Here