The Month of August according to D&K Barlett with BASS indications by Jim Hendrick
August, like July, can be unreliable, with frequent heavy downpours of thundery rain, but there can also be warm weather. At least one good spell occurs.
There is hardly any danger of cold weather, although it can feel cool for the season in some years. The sea is warm for bathing. The heat of the sea helps the latter part of the month to be warmer, owing to its highest temperature.
Most areas can expect to experience good weather. Despite the unreliability of this month, because of the thundery tendency, there is generally at least one good spell, usually near the middle or latter part of the month.
The weeks of August
1st to 7th The first few days are often changeable and thundery, but the weather improves towards the end of the week
8th to 15th A good warm spell is probable at the beginning or end of this week
16th to 23rd Thunderstorms are frequent, either at the beginning or at the end of the week, with a fairly good warm period
24th to 31st There is often a short stormy interval with bright sunny and cloudy days intermingled. The alternative is a good warm spell lasting into September.
Bass Fishing; Your bass fishing during August can be as unpredictable as the weather. Many experienced anglers will say it can be one of the most difficult periods during what should be the height of the season. Fish turn up at expected locals and then strangely dont or you can be simply blown away by a magic session. There are many reasons and the challenges continue!
Rating 3/5
August Bass Fishing Experiences Here Here Here