Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Notice of Public Information Meeting

Modernisation and consolidation of the legislation governing the inland fisheries sector


The Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Fergus O’Dowd, T.D. invites members of the public and interested parties to attend a public information meeting to canvass views on the major elements of new inland fisheries legislation, in advance of the statutory consultation period.

Details of venues, dates and times for the information meetings are as follows;

  • Drogheda in the D Hotel on Monday 29th April 2013 at 6pm
  • Tuam in the Ard RĂ­ House Hotel on Tuesday 30th April 2013 at 6pm
  • Carrick-on-Shannon in the Landmark Hotel on Wednesday 1st May at 6pm
  • Clonmel in the Clonmel Park Hotel on Thursday 2nd May at 6pm
  • Dublin in the Lucan SPA Hotel on Wednesday 8th May at 7pm

The Minister of State wishes to canvass a comprehensive range of views to inform the general thrust of the new legislation and the purpose of these meetings is to update interested parties on the process for submitting their views.
The statutory written consultation process will commence on Monday 13th May.

A world away, I don’t think so!

Over the last few days the schoolie fishing has turned on across the Southern New England region. Many have been frustrated with the “long” (although some would say closer to normal) transition into spring. In any event the breeze has often been SW lately and the moon tides have put the the bait in gear. Now both recently arrived stripers and bait can be found in the bays and estuaries as one would expect. So all those who have called over the last two weeks and got a cautious response to “Are there any fish around?” will now get ” It’s go time!”. Have fun! Check out this and older reports in the fishing reports section of our blog.

From The Saltwater Edge Newsletter

From a Wexford perspective lets hope the next few days bring back those much sought after SW’s and a run of fish, its getting there!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Workshop weekend–Fly & Lure MAY 11th and 12th

Bass Fishing Workshop by JimHendrick

If you happen to be attending the bass fishing workshop on Saturday May 11th - please find the details of our plan for the day above. Also please be aware that the weekend sits on a good tidal spectrum and low tide on Saturday is close to 13:30. This means we can actively fish the rising tide during the afternoon and into the evening.

Sunday mornings tide is also an acceptable one and if the weather happened to favour us an overnight stay might be something to consider.

Keep an eye on here during the week previous and I will indicate as best I can if this opportunity exists for any person who might like to take the opportunity

Please bring you waders, boots, and your bass lure fishing gear – plus any lucky charms you might have!

Fly details later this week

Friday, 5 April 2013

Year to year



The photograph above was taken in my back garden on the morning of the 08th of April 2008. (from this post) We had snow in Wexford that morning, it was the first time Dan and Ruth had seen snow. It stayed on the ground for forty minutes.

Today, on a similar date five years later, the same apple tree shows significantly lower levels of growth than seen in the photograph above.

Does this mean that the apple tree will, suddenly, over a very short period accelerate in its growth pattern if conditions change or will it take time?

Will spring ‘catch up’ quickly or when you look at the rings when the tree is cut will 2013 indicate a very cold spring?

I’m banging my head against a wall here – with three ‘prototypical’ flies ready for 2013’s bass fishing season and a range of flies for golden grey mullet sea trout and bream sitting begging to be fished! It will be interesting to see how the next few weeks pan out. Stay sane.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Relationships in bass fishing – there are many!

‘It is natural for people to want to simplify their understanding of fly fishing the striper surf and the behaviour of striped bass. Everyone wants an Bass fishing in Wexforduncomplicated formula to apply that will lead to the rich rewards that have made all surfcasting famous. Were it that simple, of course, we would all grasp what conditions were magic and, as a result, no stripers would remain. In fact, it is complicated because the list of conditions that dictate bass movement and behaviour is as long as your arm. Moreover, to keep this formula from being too easy, the conditions, and how they relate to and influence one another, change everything.

For instance, it is not enough to know that an onshore wind contributes to the fishing. If it is February the bass are a thousand miles away in warmer water, which serves to illustrate the relationship between wind and temperature.’

Frank Daignault – Fly fishing the striper surf 2004

New Website

The beginning AND the end…

Forwarded to - The Irish Bass Policy Group (David McInerny, John Quinlan, Shane O Reilly, Mike Hennessy, Dr William Roche, Dr Nial O'Ma...