These species are late maturing often as late as nine or ten years, and not only are they late developers but they also seem to possess an ability to spawn in which ever year they choose. Subject to the usual influences like water temperature and availability of food, it is suggested that they do not spawn until at least late April and spawning may continue into late summer. Fish tend to remain in one location over time especially if there is a local 'food supply'. Often to be taken advantage of by the fly angler!
So what are we to do? How do we set about catching this fish? Like many of our approaches to saltwater flyfi
adder wrack. Fish will often swim in less than six inches of water and you can often see their dorsal and tail fins. Its important that you stay out of sight to avoid spooking them, if you do dont worry too much as they will return. With the rising tide fish will often swim under sections of the seaweed with a very much-exaggerated sinuous motion, almost snakelike. I often wonder are they dislodging food particles from the seaweed tentacles? Watch them move from bunch of weed to bunch of weed! Ok so we have found a few fish I here you say but what are they eating? If there is a local supply of food like an ouflow pipe or effluent from a commercial fishery or otherwise mullet will tend to gather at these locals - imitative flies of the food source can catch you some fish no doubt. Bread flies, worm flies, seaweed flies even grayling flies have been cast at this wonderful fish. The latest story I have heard is that in one locality during summer they have a weakness for ice cream cone! Now there's a tying challenge.
Its probably best to fish and cast at them as effectivley as possible with a