I just would like to congratulate you a new time for the top level quality of the pieces of information and the marvellous galleries that you propose on your blog. They are like "parts of dream". We hope to visit you next year, we will do our best in order to inform you ASAP (when it was not the case last time...). We keep in mind the very pleasant wexford fishing areas. Chris is still very proud due to your (very good) choice to introduce his "photo" at the opening page of your website.
Please give our very best regards to Paul who was also fantastic during our fishing trip.
Just for last, we were very disapointed not to meet you during the last sport fishing exhibition in Paris (February 2008). The irish guys that were present on the "Irish fishing booth" were so friendly and also seemed very tired (we have visited them around 2:00 PM). For sure, when you travel from France to Ireland (or the opposite), this trip cannot be without strongs effects for your health!!!