SWFF - Part 1 of 21 General Fly Choices
SWFF – Part 2 of 21 – The instinct of the decision
SWFF – Part 3 of 21 – Where is my fly
SWFF- Part 4 of 21 – Choosing a fly
SWFF – Part 5 of 21 – Fly-casting for saltwater
SWFF – Part 6 of 21 – Choosing the right fly lines
SWFF – Part 7 of 21 – Where should I Fish
Where should I fish?
In the articles section of this blog you can find detailed descriptions of how you can attempt saltwater fly fishing both on the The Rocky Shore and within and around estuaries Estuaries. Perhaps you can use these quick links to access the articles at a later time,
Looking at all that water around the coast its a big place – this is where you are going to flyfish and isn’t it a pretty big place? What I want you to look for and indentify are places like
The mouth of estuaries.
Rocky headlands.
Points of land that stick into the sea.
Long stretches of beach that suddenly stop.
Deep patches of water that lie close to shore.
Where rivers flow into the sea.
Circle these places on your map – these are all possible fish holding areas. Pick some that are relatively close together but offer different types of topography and concentrate on those. Open your tide tables look for the next low tide, and then when the time is right pop the children in the car and tell your wife/partner that you are taking the smallies on a picnic/treasure hunt, hence the map and compass. Remember you will often be travelling to these places early in the morning so a long distance journey is not recommended. Look at the maps in the weather section of the newspaper and note the wind direction. When you arrive at low tide look for deep pools, rocky patches and reefs, holes and gullies, water colour, try to imagine when the tide is rising where does the water flow and how does it flow around and within the area. Are there any ambush sites where predatory fish will be lying in wait? Is it possible to access these areas as the tide is rising and are these areas a safe place to fish? Note what way the wind is blowing and how is this going to affect your casting ability/range/accuracy. Keep visiting the areas with the children or for long romantic walks with your loved one and as the year moves closer to summer, activity in the water should increase, baitfish should appear, sea trout, bass and mullet will show themselves on or above the surface. Keep constant notes of wind direction, temperature, tides, phases of the moon, natural activity. These notes will, over time become your fishing reference
Of the areas that you have chosen perhaps two or three will have most if not all of the following
A strong geographical feature – like rocks, headland, or river mouth etc.
Will have displayed high levels of natural activity – bird life, and fish life.
Is prone to tidal currents like slacks and fast eddies
Is easy to access and safe to fish
Is fishable in different wind directions.
This is where you are going to fish. Let these three places be your own private hunting grounds, get to know them like your back garden. Begin to feel comfortable there in all conditions and begin to anticipate the effects of the combinations of wind, tide, and temperature on your fishing environment and the wildlife that inhabits the area. There is always the opportunity with time spent at the water either fishing or simply observing to add to that vast database that is necessary for success. For instance, you will learn that a sudden drop in temperature (by two degrees or more) or a sudden change in wind direction, or a slight combination and change of these factors will turn fish off for a while and make them harder to catch. Weather will also play havoc with your casting and mood, its difficult to get motivated at times but no one else can make you pick up that rod and get out there!
Next Month (October) - When should I fish?