Hi Jim. I'm Still getting your updates ok, nice to see you on facebook.I had a reasonable end to the boat season. I hope to get started on the shore shortly. How about yourself, when will you get started? If i don't here from you i will make a point of introducing myself if i make it to the I.S.F.C. awards.
Tight lines Ferris.
hi, been been keepin up with your website and plan on a lot more lure fishin this year , mainly around dublin. tried a bit last year with no luck (1 hook up) but must do better this year. maybe someone will buy me a workshop with you for a few days. i live in hope – ken
Hi Jim, Have you started on the bass yet, will be over your way this coming season. hope you have a few on the fly, do a lot over here in Wales on the Gower
I did get lots of questions like the ones above and many thanks for them all - so broadly speaking
I dont do any bass fishing until April - sometimes you just have to leave them alone -and conditions are probably at their most difficult for the next few months - somebody is trying to catch one no doubt!
I hope to see some of you at This Spring Show where I will have a stand and do some presentations on bass fishing
I look forward to a shorter season for myself this year and hopefully will bump into some of you on the beaches