Tim Harrisson and his Dad Colin were some of my customers during year two of my guiding service, six years ago now - Colin's words below, received by a letter he sent, still mean a lot to me. It was one of those moments. If I can achieve this on a day by day basis then I know I am doing my job properly.
......you thought us where the fish might lie, and how to cast to the right position and use the waves and tide to take the line into the right place. The result of all that was that we were able to hook and land some unforgettable fish and those memories will last forever....Colin Harisson - 2005 Then aged 69.
Tim Harrisson was inspired enough by what he saw and experienced in Wexford to later establish his own successful bass guiding business in Wales - http://www.sea-bass-safaris.co.uk/
What counts cant always be counted and what can be counted doesn't always count ~ Einstein