The Month of May according to D&K Barlett with BASS indications by Jim Hendrick
This can be wonderful month of weather. Considerable amounts of sunshine usually occur. There is little if any prolonged heavy rainfall, mostly falling as short showers or thunderstorms. The most notable and damaging occurrence of the month is a tendency for a mid May frost, which blights early blossom and kills tender plants if they are not protected.
There are frequently erratic day and night temperatures; often very warm by day and cold by night.
During the calm spells of the month it is often dull with occasional showers in the eastern areas of the country, while fog is probable along the coasts.
This can be the driest and brightest month of the year. There is a really appreciable warmth to the sun by contrast to the previous months and this increases our sense of comfort and optimism.
The weeks of May
1st - 7th Some cool days, thunderstorms possible
8th - 15th A fairly good spell is probable with some warm days but a risk of night frost. It is liable to be dull at times in the east
16th - 23rd The weather is still liable to be dull and cool in eastern areas, but elsewhere there are often calm warm and sunny days, occasional thunderstorms and some night frosts.
24th - 31st Thundery showers - but bright sunny periods may be expected, especially towards the end of the week.
Bass Fishing: The first early days of May and the week just before the close of season are generally the first genuine opportunities that the fly and lure angler will have on the Wexford coast. See some examples HERE and HERE Water temperatures are rising now, encouraging foraging bass closer to the shore. But remember just as things begin to fire we have to stop fishing for the annual closed season. Midnight May 14th to Midnight June 15th.
Rating 2/5
May Bass Fishing Experiences Here Here Here